You may have heard your first grader talking about "easy points" at one point or another this year. I refer to capitalization and punctuation as "easy points". They are truly worth a significant portion of your child's writing score. A paper without proper use of these can easily slip down to the next grade level. For example, an Advanced (A+) story that has several mistakes with capitalization will likely fall to a Proficient (B+) paper. I always say to the class (as I wag my finger dramatically) "Dooooonnn'ttt Fooorrrgeeeettt Yooouuuurr Eeeeaaasssssyyyy Poooiinnnttss!"
There's also a little song we sing about it. Here are the lyrics. Maybe your child can teach you the tune too.
If you wanna do your best
Every time you write
Capital Letters
Every single time
Don't forget your easy points! (wag your finger dance)
Don't forget your easy points! (wag your finger dance)