One thing we work on all year is writing a friendly letter. Oftentimes, it is to say thank you to somebody. This is a very natural activity for kids. The words come easily when they begin to write. Consider picking up a box or two of thank you letters and start having the kiddos write thank you notes whenever they think they should. Be sure to include a greeting (Dear ______,) at least three details, a closing (Bye Bye,) and a signature. You can thank people for a gift. You can thank mom for making a special meal. You can thank grandma for picking you up from the basketball game. You'll find that there are plenty of chances to complete this exercise. Plus, you can buy a whole box of actual thank you cards for just a dollar! Below is a perfect example of a "strong" friendly letter.
Hi Class,
I just wanted to thank you for being such a good group of kids. You always work hard and that makes me happy. I think it is fun to come to school and teach you guys everyday!
Bye Bye,
Mr. Smith