Wednesday, February 3, 2010

What's Your Favorite Book?

When I was a boy, I had two favorite books.  One was called "Hyrum's Red Shirt".  It was a golden book and I can't find it anywhere!  Not even on Ebay.  Keep your eyes open for me.  :)  But, the other was "Where the Wild Things Are".  I could not get enough of it.  I still love it.  Do you have a book like that? You can't explain it, but it just found a special place in your life.  Maybe it was the pictures? Maybe it was how the words rhymed?  Maybe it was the funny voices someone used when they read it to you?  

What's that book for you?  Sounds like a good topic for dinner discussion to me!  I found out Suzy's this morning at breakfast.  She loved "Owl at Home" "Ramona Quimby" "Francis and Jam" "Amelia Bedelia" "The Babysitters Club" "Danny and the Dinosaur" and "Goodnight Moon".  She just couldn't narrow it down.  :)

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