Monday, February 8, 2010

Valentine's Day party!

Just a couple of quick notes about Friday's Valentine's Day party.  (Hopefully the weather will cooperate and we'll be back in school)  Our party will start at 2:00.  You do not need to make your own v-day box or bag.  We will make one in class sometime this week.  Go ahead and send your cards up early if you're done with them.  I'll let the kids pass out their cards early so we don't waste "party time" on that task.  They will have more time to enjoy opening and reading their valentines this way.  I sent home a list of the kid's names last week.  If you missed it you can use the "wordle" poster in the sidebar of this blog.  Just scroll down and you'll see a little poster with all of the kids names on it.  Let me know if you have any questions that I forgot to answer here.  (     

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