Saturday, February 20, 2010

First Graders Love School!

My hope is that there is no other place the kids would rather be than at school.   Kids at this age WANT to learn!  They're excitement is bottomless.  What a gift that is!  My job is made so much easier because of their enthusiasm to learn.  And why should that ever stop?  Make it your goal to always provide new and exciting opportunities for them to learn.  Take trips.  Visit the local library.  Read a chapter from a classic book each night.  Study something they are curious about.  Write funny stories and send them to Aunt Edna.  Find a pen pal from the other side of the globe.  Use math to measure the ingredients while cooking dinner.   A 12th grade student with the academic enthusiasm of a first grader would have NO limitations.  All of the really great folks in history books realized one thing...we never stop being students.  (cue single tear rolling down my cheek)

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